Since I started this personal blog journey six short months ago, I’ve talked to so many wonderful people and learned so much about myself and so much more about others through their journey’s, know-hows and experiences! I’m truly grateful that I took this mission of opening up to the world and new opportunities. I plan on continuing to set goals for myself and push myself to branch out and take in this world with all I have!
One small but important goal I have is to try not to wear all black…. which is 90% of my closet at the moment! I think I would shy away from colors to cover up the weight I was carrying around …physically and emotionally, that I would just wear what made me comfortable or not too noticeable…All black and grey! But now that I’m shedding away some of this weight I’m starting to see myself in pretty colors! Stay tuned!!!
I’m so happy that I packed up all I owned and moved to Texas with my daughter and our dog Daisy. We drove for three days clear across the mid-west to get to San Antonio from Michigan and I never doubted it for one second! It was the first time my daughter had been passed Ohio and we loved every minute. Now that we are in Texas we have so many beautiful places to enjoy and see that we already started to make our “travel bucket list” Number one on the list is Disney, I’ve never been there myself and my daughter is turning 12 and I think it the perfect time to take in the happiest place on earth! So watch out world, because here we come!!!
My biggest and yet toughest goal will be to keep all the negativity out! I’ve already experienced so much of it growing up that I refuse to let it slow me down! Even moving here, I knew better than to open the door to negativity… I literally made my decision and stuck to it, because believe me, those that want the best for you will never try to break you down or hold you back. So with that I will continue to write, to be healthy, to love and to give my daughter the best life filled with opportunities, chances and wonder….And I couldn’t be more excited!