This blog post and giveaway is sponsored by Catholic Central, however all opinions are my own!
Christmas is almost here and most of us have a long to-do list filled with dinner plans, parties and of course shopping for the perfect gifts! But one thing we might forget to do is … HAVE FUN! The type of fun that doesn’t take much to accomplish. Maybe its watching your favorite Christmas movie, baking cookies or just having a fun game night with the family! That’s exactly what Christmas Fun in 5 Minutes is all about, it’s easy, fun and will put a smile on everyone’s face!
What is your favorite Christmas Tradition? Comment below to be entered into our Christmas Classic Game Kit Giveaway!
We truly look forward to game night, and around the holiday it’s ten times better! What a great way to disconnect from the world and enjoy one of your favorite classic games! We turn on our favorite Christmas movies and enjoy the time together. Sometimes the laughter is all you need to make the Holidays perfect!
A great place to start is by downloading the Christmas Fun in 5 Mintutes PDF where you will find 5-minute activities you can do with your family and friends over the Holiday to laugh, bond and have a blast! It also includes some cool facts about the “whys” and history behind some of the most time-honored Christmas traditions!
All you need to do is…
Enter a comment below & tell us your favorite Christmas tradition (include your IG, Twitter or FB user name)
For an additional Entry: Share this post and tag (@meximoments) on any platform
The Christmas Classic Game Kit includes:
As assortment of four different classic games which will be chosen by random. The list includes Monopoly, Sorry, Connect 4, UNO, Pictionary, Twister, Operation, Apples to Apples, Life, Simon, Battleship, and more!
For more on Catholic Central Visit them at: http://www.catholiccentral.com
We do family game time on Christmas Day. It’s one of our favorite traditions!
We take a drive to Marble Falls to see the Walkway of Lights and drink hot cocoa.
We always go to Christmas Eve late mass and then eat as a family after. We usually let the kids open 1 gift that night usually it’s brand new pajamas. ❤️
Instagram: vcast2013
Ahhh I love it, We use to do the new Christmas Pajamas when I was little too!
My family and I karaoke to all types of old school Mexican songs. I just love it, it makes everyone sing along, laugh and remember some of the good old times……..IG @ezzy_q
This is such a fun tradition, I love it!!! Thank you for sharing.
I’m always looking for fun ways to get the family all involved during the holidays. This seems like a great idea. Thanks!
Every year my family and I would be able to open one gift and it was always Christmas pajamas and slippers. And we would change into those and drive around the city looking at Christmas lights. It’s a tradition I also brought into my marriage, I moved states away from my family and my husband didn’t grow up celebrating the holidays so I wanted to have something to bring into our marriage to help celebrate! This year, before all that fun stuff,.we have invited friends over for dinner and drinks and these games would add to the fun!
IG: ashleycheriemakeupartistry
Oh my gosh, so much yes!!! I haven’t played UNO in so long, and it’s SO FUN!!! I am definitely going to pick up a few board games to play with my husband this year! Happy holidays lady!
i love these suggestions! I havent played UNO in years!