I’m so glad I decided to try dry brushing… it has so many benefits, how can you not love it! Especially during this winter season, my skin gets so dry that working this into my skincare routine was so easy and my skin feels amazing! Some important things you want to remember is getting the correct brush, targeting the right areas and direction and all the benefits you will get from it!
1. Which Dry Brush should I use?
I definitely opted to get a long brush with with a detachable brush head. This way you are getting a 2 in 1 brush! The wooden brush has soft natural bristles and is on Amazon for super cheap, one of my favorite things about it is the actual brush detaches from the long handle, making it so easy to use! You should replace your dry brush every 1-3 months.
2. How do I Dry Brush?
It’s best to start using the brush attached to the long handle. Start at the bottoms of your feet moving up towards your heart in long strokes with slight pressure. Once you are finished with the legs and back, detach and begin to dry brush your arms from the fingertips moving upwards. Be careful not to dry brush any sensitive areas such as the breast or any cuts or scabs! Make sure to dry brush in a small circular motion around the stomach area.
What are the benefits of Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing has so many benefits! Exfoliates Dry Skin, Reduces Cellulite, Reduces Stress, Stimulates Lymphatic System, Strengthens the Immune System, Improves Circulation, Tones the Muscles, Brightens the Skin and increase Skin Cell Renewal!
Dry Brushing leaves my skin feeling so soft, it hasn’t felt this great in a long time!
The benefits I seen soon after dry brushing for only a few weeks have been amazing! My skin felt softer after only a few times. I could actually see the dry skin cells coming off my body! My skin is very sensitive and did get a little red so make sure to measure how much pressure you want to put, there may be some redness at first but that will get better with time! Just think you are waking up all those skin cells that are use to just sitting still! I also recommend the circular motions around the abdomen area, it will really help your digestive system and you will feel much better!
My sister told me about dry brushing but I didn’t pay attention at the time. I really need to exfoliate my skin, gonna add the brush to my wishlist on Amazon 🙂
I need to start doing this dry brushing thing. I’ve never ever heard of that term before. My face is soooo dry and this would be so helpful to exfoliate it.
I have seen a few bloggers talk about this. Seems like a great way to get rid of dry skin… maybe on the feet also?
This was new info to me. I LOVE learning things from blogs. Now I want to try it!
This is something I have never heard of – very interesting.
Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter.com
I have heard a lot about dry brushing but I’ve never tried it. With all those benefits, I think I should give it a try.
How interesting is this! Thank you for sharing the information. I will be adding this to my list of things to do for sure.
Ah, I didn’t know that was still a “thing”!
This is something I know I need to be dry brushing. It is just a matter of doing it.
I’ve heard about dry brushing but never really looked into. Thanks for this post, it was so informative!
I’ve never heard of dry brushing before, but you have me intrigued! I have HORRIBLE dry skin right now, and no amount of lotion really helps. Do you ever do it on your face? My forehead has been so dry lately and I don’t know what to do haha!