I am no doubt one of those who are completely and ever thankful for my friends! Although the term “friends” can be used to categorize a large amount of people, my friends are more like my family… I love the saying “Some people are in your life for a reason, season or lifetime”. I am very thankful for those friends that have come into my life as well as those that found their way out! I believe that it all is meant to be, but I have those that are a huge part of who I am today, God kept those friends in my life for a very special reason. I call them my “forever friends”
I’ve been blessed, I have a guardian “Angel” here on earth that has literally guided me throughout my life! I’ve been given bonds with brothers and sisters that have remained close even though time goes by without contact or our lives take us in different directions, once a true bond is made is cannot be broken, well that’s my outlook on it!
Louise Hay is a an excellent author and one of the known founders of the self –help movement, follow her on social media, take time to read her affirmations, one of my “forever friends” opened her to me and I am forever grateful. (Thank you E.J.)
This week, I felt the urge to revise my priorities in life and create a new vision board. If you have never made a vision board, I encourage you to try it. You can start with a small goal, like a place to go or a financial plan. You create your vision board with words, pictures and affirmations, etc. Here is a link on how to make your own vision board. Alejandra Villarroel Abrego is an awesome life coach to follow. Stay tuned on updates from my vision board!
We are in charge of who and what we attract into our lives, so be careful of your thoughts because the law of attraction is always working whether you want it to or not. This pass Friday there was a new moon in Leo, I took the advice from horoscope adviser Susan Miller at Astrology Zone and wrote my abundance checks.
What are abundance checks? A way to ask the universe for what you really want in your life, you should only do this during a “new moon” when the universe is opened to the energy you are putting out there. Here is a link on how to write your abundance checks! It doesn’t even matter if you believe it or not. So take the chance!
Lastly, I’m going to share an email I received from a “forever friend” over 14 years ago, it really hit me and stayed with me throughout my life, I often look back at it and re-read it! This really helped remind me of who I am and that love I give out so easily, it’s amazing how something like this can resonate over and over again! I’m so thankful for the forever friends that God has put in my life!
Oct 11, 2001
I find it important to tell you that “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” Whenever you want to do something… do it, if you don’t want to lose him then walk up to him and tell him to “fish or cut bait”, what do you have to lose other than what you might lose if you don’t take a stand. Oh and smile when you say it! You are strong, probably stronger than me-I want to see both of us get through this and prove that we are more than normal-we are those women who wear our hearts on our sleeve because we want others to share in our love. Not the women who need it to survive and deny themselves happiness. Let’s finally be what we want not what we think we have to be! See you at the top. Love,